This is Powerscourt Estate & Gardens in Co. Wicklow, a heritage property just 20km south of Dublin.
The walking tour starts with the Italian Gargen, walking down towards the Winged Horses and the Triton lake. A short walk in the woods and we are at the Pets Cemetery, one of the largest of it's kind. Then we're at the Dolphin Pond with its fountain and then the Walled garden (no pics, sorry) and finally the rose gardens
just beside the main house. It was just beautiful and I wish I had more time to spend there to enjoy the serenity and beauty of the surroundings.
The first picture is from their official website but all the others are mine.
Stayman Winesap Apple Crumble (Jumbo) Muffins
3 months ago
Annie, quel plaisir de voir aussi une passionée de belles photos. Merci de m'avoir recommandé à tes visiteurs. Je suis effectivement pour 3 jours encore dans votre beau pays, le Canada. Longue vie à ton blog.
Je suis le Papa d'Olivier, je constate qu'il ne t'as pas répondu au sujet de la chanson "Ma cabane au Canada. La chanteuse est Line Renaud.
Amitiés lointaine.
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