I LOVE corn dogs! Really love them and only friends who've visited a fair with me would know that. I might be somewhat ashamed of my love for them but every summer, I buy a box of 20 of the Pogo ones and warm them on the BBQ for solo lunches on week-ends. They're ok but there's nothing like a freshly make one! This week-end, the fair midway is in town for Applefest and I stopped by last night to survey the "corn dog" situation. I was thrilled to see a vendor with advertisement for homemade ones for $3.50!! Grabbed the investement from my mallet, lined up only to be told "no corn dogs tonight, just this week-end". ??? And as an explanation, I got the "they're home made you know, hand dipped so, they take a long timne" ???? Who are they trying to fool??? It's only a wiener, a stick and cornmeal pancake batter. So I raised an eyebrow to the dubious explanation and walked away devastated!
So I was back on the site tonight again only too happy to part with my money. Well can you beleive that the owner is the only one who know the secret batter recipe and she was away for an hour! But I was assured they are the best and are worth the wait. I'll have to report back if I can finally put my mouth on one of those gems over the week-end!
In the meantine, I direct you to this intersting article on corn dogs with a delectable-looking recipe for Lemongrass Shrimp Corn Dog: http://archive.seacoastonline.com/news/10112006/entertainment-f-o11-corndogs.html
a fair vendor with corn dogs in big red letters on the trailer, and NO CORN DOGS!?!?! There ought to be a law!
I'm with you!!!
Great work.
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