Fantastic weather + Terrific friends + Fabulous food = Great Party!! What else could one wish for??
Stayman Winesap Apple Crumble (Jumbo) Muffins
3 months ago
Randoms thoughts, tributes to the ones I love, trials of everyday living and life's tribulations & distractions.
Wow! Quite the crowd. Too bad I couldn't come.
Yes, it would have been great to have you and your family over for the feast!
Dave - you missed a good one. Annie is a pretty good BBQer! Always good to see everyone.
Looks like a great time Annie! Yummy food!
Yummy indeed! I'm going to have to post recipes of some the dishes brought by the guests, I got so many request so far! First one will be Marion and Doran's Rum Punch. I already look forward to next year's party!
Annie, Once again a successful turnout and great friends not to forget delicious food. Your pictures are worth a thousand words and will give you great memories. Thank You for having Pete and I on your list of friends. We look forward to it each year.
Thank you for bringing your friends Bonny; it's always a pleasure to meet new people, especially as nice as Marcelle!
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