On the plywood support, we poured a 5:1 mix of vermiculite and Portland cement to have a 2" thick layer. This will be the first layer of insulation for the suspended hearth slab. After a few months of use, we will insulate further from the bottom. At the far side, you can see the void for the ash slot. We had to work fast to pour the hearth slab on top the same day to ensure proper bonding between the 2 layers. We also poked a few galvanized nails at a 45 degree angle in the vermiculite layer to increase the bond.
Funny how it looks like my dad is working alone......
Oops. Check your title. Woof-Fired? Were any dogs harmed in the building of this oven? Don't make me call PETA!
Ah Ah! That is such a funny typo! A Meow-Fired Oven would have been a better title: my cat does an inspection of every step of the built!
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