I thought I was alone in my unfortunate situation until Mary expressed her similar exasperation! It appears the little rodents have mastered the art of licking the peanut butter off the trigger without setting off the trap. Very frustrating! We are contemplating taking some legal actions against the maker of these ineffective traps; it has caused many nightmares and hardships and we should be compensated appropriately! Should I mention all the times I hear the little rodents scratching at the crawl space door to come inside? Or the other time my cat chased one around the living room while I was sitting there? The nights I lay awake plotting new execution plans? Just maddening!
Today I came back home to a dead body neatly laid at the foot of my favorite chair in the living room. Finally, a return on my investment in the house cat. But too little too late.
Enough is enough! These visitors have overstayed their welcome! I’m changing tactic and have acquired a new bait house that promises positive results in no time!! It’s already installed at a strategic entry way, full of fresh bait and ready to help me reduce the population of mice in Brighton!!
Hire a new cat! I'd offer mine, but she's not a good mouser. Once spotted, the mouse is a playmate for a while, then gets eaten. Then barfed. ewww. If she was actually making a dent in the population, I wouldn't mind the mouse-guts barf, BUT...
Couldn't I hire a Kitty Maid service? Once a week cat visit like Molly Maid, to eliminate unwelcomed visitors?? No strings attached and the job get done! That's an idea for a new venture....
Allo Annie,
ah les maudits mulots...mes parents ont le même problème à leur maison au Mt-Tremblant. Les gens du coin ont essayé le truc suivant parce que il semble que les mulots de Tremblant ont aussi trouvé le truc de manger le beurre d'arachide sans se faire haper par la trappe! Un ami de mon père a collé, oui oui, collé une arachide sur la trappe, ça marche à tout coup! Le mulot essaie de décoller la peanut mais bang!! oups le mulot se fait avoir... En passant, il n'y a pas juste à la campagne que les maisons se font envahir...nous avons eu de la visite dans nos murs la semaine dernière...Jean a acheté une trappe et bang...une sourie..wouach...quand même je suis une fille de banlieue et l'idée d'avoir une sourie dans ma maison....dégueu... Tu m'en donneras des nouvelles! Katia
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