My cat! I'm thankful to my friend Ann who had the insight to see that this kitten and I would be a good match, despite my (very!) strong preference for dogs. She was only 4 months old when she joined our household and my 10 y.o. dog didn't really know what to do of her. She was so full of love for him, would follow him everywhere, sometimes clinging to his back legs! Now, I see in her many dog-like behaviors and they always bring a smile to my face. Nita is 7 years old now and I could not imagine how my life would be without her. Definitely empty. Thank you Ann, wherever you may be in your travels. I miss you.
Very nice! I feel the same way about my cat and I was NEVER a cat person, until I adopted my cat, Mr. Kitty.
I don't care what they say, Cats are totally fuzzy kids! I have a cat myself that should have been born a dog, but what can you do?
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The other day, she was chasing a red fox around the garage and in the field behind. Scary! Doesn't she know foxes eat cats?? Obviously not, she thinks she's a dog!! I don't want her to go out anymore but she enjoys it so much outside; what to do, what to do???
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