Scotch Eggs! Freshly made with pork/beef sausage meat, seasonings and coated in breadcrumbs. Yummy yummy! I couldn’t resist and had one while they where still warm! Thanks to Sue, who shared her Aunt Shirley's sister Marilyn's recipe! I couldn’t remember what I’m supposed to serve them with; I had mine with honey mustard. Delicious!
Stayman Winesap Apple Crumble (Jumbo) Muffins
3 months ago
No recipe?
Aren't Scotch eggs supposed to be served with... er... scotch ?
Scotch? the liquor?? huh, that's interesting, I didn't think of it! We learn everyday! Here's more on them from Wikipedia
Don't know if'n it's traditional or not, but almost everything goes better with some sort of alcohol, and seeing that they're called "Scotch" eggs (even though they're not really scottish at all) it'd be worth a try... I know from experience that they're good with Ricker's Red...
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