Sunday, January 27, 2008

How Do They Get Away With This?

I bought this can of Green Pigeon Gungo Peas based on the packaging only; I’ve never heard of Gungo peas, but the picture looks like pods from the sugar peas I grow in the summer so I thought, humm must be good!
What a disappointment upon opening the can! The bright green peas from the picture turned yellow-brownish and are not as appetizing…..They fooled me. I should have known better; when does the Big Mac you order look like the one pictured on the menu??
Anyway, I mixed the yukky-looking peas with canned white kidney beans & thinly sliced onion and with the sweet & sour salad dressing recipe I got from my brother; it’s the dressing they serve with the salads at the Knights of Columbus dinners in Ste-Madeleine. It’ll marinate for a couple hours and then I’ll just have them on greens for lunch.

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